

馬來西亞主要城市公司設立登記,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 吉隆坡與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。

Kuala Lumper time zone:
CA Aaron Yap, 馬來西亞籍說馬來西亞文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

Malaysia Foreign-owned company Registration procedures  

(Digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.org version 2021/06/07)

APPLIES TO WOMEN ONLY: Obtain husband’s permission to leave the home
Agency : Domicile

根據《伊斯蘭家庭法》,第 19 條。第 59 條第( 2 )款( b )項規定,婦女必須得到丈夫的允許才能離家。
1 天
According to Islamic Family Law, Art. 59(2)(b), the woman must obtain permission from her husband to leave her home.
1 day

在( SSM )一站式服務處搜索並保留公司名稱
Search and reserve company name at the (SSM) one-stop shop
Agency : Companies Commission of Malaysia

自 2013 年 5 月 16 日起,強制通過 My CoID 門戶網站進行公司名稱在線查詢和預訂
預約有效期每 30 天一次,最長 180 天。
不足一天(在線程序);每 30 天 50 MYR

Since May 16, 2013, it is mandatory to conduct company name search and reservations online via MyCoID portal
The name reservation is valid for every 30 days, up to a maximum of 180 days.
Less than one day (online procedure);MYR 50 for every 30 days
Applies to women only.


機構: 馬來西亞公司委員會
Company Secretary prepares the company incorporation documents
Agency : Companies Commission of Malaysia

根據 2016 年的新《公司法》,MyCoID 網站上的superform需要填寫,其中要求如下:
– 公司是私人的還是公開的。
– 股東詳情。
– 董事詳情。
– 公司秘書詳情(如果有):
– 股票和
根據 2016 年《公司法》,不再需要以下表格:
(二) 第48A表(任命董事前或公司成立前發起人法定聲明)
(三) 表格6(公司秘書的法定合規聲明)
(四) 表格24(股份分配的回報)
(五) 表格49(董事、經理和秘書登記冊中的退貨細節及詳物變更)
(六) 表格44(登記辦公室和辦公時間情況通知及變更詳情)
公司秘書在註冊時是選擇性的,但在實務中仍然經常使用。此外,公司必須在公司成立后 30 天內任命秘書。
1-3天之間,與先前的程序同時進行;MYR 1,000

Under the new Companies Act of 2016, a super form on the MyCoID website needs to be filled up, which requires the following:
– Name of the proposed company.
– Whether the company is private or public.
– Nature of business.
– Registered address.
– Details of shareholders.
– Details of directors.
– Details of company secretary (if any);
– Details of shares and
– Any other information the CCM requires.

Due to the Companies Act of 2016, the following forms are no longer needed:
(ii) Form 48A (Statutory Declaration by A Person before Appointment as Director, or by A Promoter before Incorporation of Corporation)
(iii) Form 6 (Statutory Declaration of Compliance by the Company Secretary)
(iv) Form 24 (Return of Allotment of Shares)
(v) Form 49 (Return Giving Particulars in Register of Directors, Managers and Secretaries and Changes of Particulars)
(vi) Form 44 (Notice of Situation of Registered Office and of Office Hours, and Particulars of Change)
A company secretary is optional during registration, however, they are still used frequently in practice.
Furthermore, the company must appoint a secretary within 30 days after its incorporation of the company.
between 1-3 days, simultaneous with previous procedure;MYR 1,000


機構: 馬來西亞公司委員會
File necessary documents with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) one-stop shop and obtain company incorporation as well as the post-incorporation package (company seal, share certificates and statutory books)
Agency: Companies Commission of Malaysia

向馬來西亞公司委員會 (SSM) 一站式商店提交必要的文件並獲得公司註冊,贊助者必須支付註冊費,並將以下註冊檔提交公司委員會。
(a) 股份有限責任公司 – 1,000
(b) 擔保有限公司 – 3,000
(c) 無限公司 – 1,000
如果申請是透過 Mycoid 在線提交的,則需要支付 RM10.00 的處理費。
2 天 MYR 1,000 (註冊費) = MYR 10 (在線處理費)

File necessary documents with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) one-stop shop and obtain company incorporation, Promoters must pay the registration fee and file the following incorporation documents with the Companies Commission.
Application for incorporation under section 14 of the Act:
(a) company limited by share – 1,000
(b) company limited by guarantee – 3,000
(c) unlimited company – 1,000
If the application is submitted online through Mycoid, there is a processing fee of RM10.00.
2 days MYR 1,000 (registration fee) + MYR 10 (online processing fee)

Register for Sales and Service Tax (STT)
Agency : Royal Malaysian Customs

銷售和服務稅( SST )已於 2018 年 9 月實施。
SST 取代了現行的商品和服務稅(GST).是指個人或公司生產的年營業額超過 50 萬令吉的應稅貨物。
對銷售商品徵收 5 %和 10 %的稅,對服務業徵收 6 %。
8 天

The Sales and Services Tax (SST) has been implemented in September 2018.
The SST replaces the existing Goods and Services Tax (GST).
It is placed on taxable goods manufactured by an individual or company with an annual turnover exceeding RM500,000.
The tax is 5 per cent and 10 per cent on the sale of goods, and a 6 per cent levy on services.
8 days


註冊所得稅和 PAYE
Register for income tax and PAYE
Agency : Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN)

在完成公司註冊證書的申請並獲得 My COID 號後,申請人可以通過
edaftar . hasil . gov . my 或親自注冊所得稅號和 PA YE 。
根據 2016 年《公司法》,公司註冊證書和表格 49 已分別改爲公司註冊通知書和董事、經理和祕書變更登記通知書,以完成申請程序。
1 天(與前一程序同時進行)

After completing the application for the certificate of incorporation and obtaining the MyCOID number, an applicant can register for the income tax number and PAYE through the web-porta: edaftar.hasil.gov.my or in person.
Under the Companies Act 2016, the Certificate of Incorporation and Form 49 have been changed to a Notice of Registration of Company and a Notification of changes in Register of Directors, Managers and Secretaries, respectively, which are required to complete the application process.
1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)

機構: 雇員公積金
Register for the Employees Provident Fund
Agency : Employees Provident Fund (KWSP)

為了向雇員公積金登記,申請人必須向 EPF 計數器/亭子提交員工登記申請表 (KSWP 1 (MAJ),並使用表格 KWSP 1 或 KWSP 1(i) 獲取 i-Akaun(i 帳戶)啟動代碼。
1. 表格 KWSP1;
2. 董事/授權人的身份證/護照的認證副本:
3. 公司登記通知書和董事、經理和秘書登記變動通知,
4. 如適用,為第一個月的EPF供款提供支票或銀行匯票。

在提交上述檔後,EPF 將頒發《雇主登記證書》,並將 i-Akaun 啟動代碼授予在表格 KWSP 1 或 KWSP 1(i) 中註冊的授權系統管理員。
公司必須在 30 天內使用 6 位元啟動代碼啟動 i-Akuan。
此後,僱主可以通過 i-Akaun 提交每月 EPF 繳款表,並登記新員工。僱主的登記證書將在僱主的前提下出示。

According to Section 41 (1) of the EPF Act 1991, an employer must register with the EPF within 7 days from the date the employer becomes liable to contribute, that is as soon as an employee is hired.
In order to register with the Employee Provident Fund, an applicant must file the Employee’s registration application form (KSWP 1 (MAJ)) with the EPF counter/kiosk and to obtain i-Akaun (iAccount) Activation Code using the Form KWSP 1 or KWSP 1(i).
The form is required to be submitted together with the following supporting documents:-
1. Form KWSP1;
2. A certified copy of identity card/passport of director’s /authorized person;
3. A Notice of Registration of Company and a Notification of changes in Register of Directors, Managers and Secretaries, and
4. A cheque or bank draft for first month EPF contribution, if applicable.

Upon the submission of the above documents, EPF will issue the Certificate of registration of Employer and given the i-Akaun Activation Code to the authorised system administrator registered in the Form KWSP 1 or KWSP 1(i).
The Company is required to activate the i-Akuan within 30 days using the 6 digits Activation Code.
Thereafter, the employer can submit the monthly EPF contribution form through i-Akaun and register a new employee.
Employer’s Registration Certificate is to be exhibited at the employer’s premises.
1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)

Register for Social Security
Agency : Social Security Organization (SOCSO- Perkeso)

透過 My CoID 登記的僱主須向 SOCSO 提交登記表格及證明文件。
-僱主在登記月薪超過 3 , 000 令吉的僱員時,如僱員之前沒有供款,但選擇供款時,必須填寫“選擇通知書”,並由僱主和僱員雙方共同簽署。
-僱主必須確保身份證號碼等細節包括在表格 2 (員工登記表)中,並與員工身份證校對無誤。
1 天(與前一程序同時進行);

Registered employers through MyCoID are required to submit their registration forms together with supporting documents to SOCSO
– Employers are required to attach the supporting registration documents in accordance with the business entity type.
– Employers registering employees earning more than RM3,000 per month and not contributing before but opting to contribute must fill in Option Notice and signed by both employers and employees under mutual consensus.
-Employers must ensure that details such as identification card number is included in Form 2 (Employee Registration Form) and correct against the employee’s identification card.
Failure of which will cause the employee being unable to register and contribute, as there will not be any record once checking is done against National Registration Department database.
1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure);


Obtain a business premise license
Agency : Kuala Lumpur City Hall


In order for a company to use a premise for operating a business activity in Kuala Lumpur, it must obtain a business premise license.
Licenses are issued by the Commissioner of the City of Kuala Lumpur.
The license is payable annually.


以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
而且您將在永輝RD 人才庫列名,有機會成為RD兼職及合作夥伴。
歡迎電郵: kul.company.rd.tc@evershinecpa.com


Kuala Lumper time zone:
CA Aaron Yap, 馬來西亞籍說馬來西亞文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

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